Meet the first DAC unit being tested for Dutch Horticulture

Wageningen University Research Center

Carbon-Neutral CO2 Utilization in Dutch Horticulture

Skytree is the first company to partner with Wageningen University & Research as part of their first Direct Air Capture research project. The project explores the quality and feasibility of DAC systems and technology. In the innovation and demonstration center, WUR is testing the Skytree Cumulus 12kg per day system for a duration of six months. The research project is in collaboration with Glastuinbouw Nederland and Kas als Energibron.

Operational Hours: 1250+ operational hours
CO2 Captured: 262 kg

This is a critical step for the Dutch horticulture industry as greenhouses transition away from fossil fuel based CO2 supplementation towards reaching carbon neutrality in 2040.By adding CO2 in a controlled environment, growers can increase crop yields.

Currently, many growers use CO2 released from the combustion of natural gas in combined heat and power plants (CHP). These plants produce CO2 along with heat and electricity.

Key Information

The Skytree Cumulus System

01. Location

Bleiswijk, Netherlands

02. Deployment

January 2024

03. Application

CO2 Utilization

04. Industry

Controlled Environment Agriculture

Project Goals


How DAC generated CO2 can impact plant growth


Measure the amount of energy to produce 1kg of CO2


How to optimize the integration of DAC into existing greenhouses


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“Skytree is giving vertical farms a path to being more sustainable, while cutting costs related to buying the CO2 necessary to grow crops indoors.”

Alexander Boedijn
Program Manager Circular Greenhouse Horticulture