Solving historic emissions with permanent storage

Turning the carbon challenge into an opportunity

Digging deep for CO2 solutions

The key to impactful CO2 removal lies in innovation.

By utilizing direct air capture (DAC) technology alongside CCS infrastructure repurposing depleted oil and gas fields or by storage in geological formations through deep saline aquifers, we can remove CO2 from the atmosphere and store it permanently, solving historic emissions.

Through mineralization we are injecting CO2 in feedstock materials for production of cement and concrete, creating sustainable building materials in combination with permanent storage.

Engineering the future of permanent removal

By integrating DAC technology through our innovative Skytree Stratus unit and Skytree Stratus Hub system, with storage in geological formations and through CCS infrastructure, Skytree offers a synergistic approach for large-scale carbon dioxide capture from ambient air and create negative emissions, needed to help reduce the CO2 levels in our atmosphere.

Remove historic CO2 emissions

CDR via DAC technology offers a pathway for large-scale emitters such as power plants and oil refineries to recognize and act on the urgent need for change. By exploring CDR solutions, you can take a proactive step toward reconciling past emissions with future ambitions for carbon neutrality.


Rock Solid CDR Solutions

Skytree offers scalable, affordable, and field-upgradable DAC systems, perfect for carbon removal operators on geological formations and eliminating the need to develop their own technology.


Convert CCS costs into revenue streams

Large emitters are increasingly capturing CO2 from their fossil fuels use and storing it in empty oil and gas fields using existing pipelines, offsetting future emissions. So what’s more logical than creating a DAC Hub at these industrial sites?


Adding value by DAC integration

Linking Skytree units to the CCS infrastructure allows for negative emissions by sequestering atmospheric CO2, tackling both new and historic emissions. These saved emissions can then be balanced or monetized through carbon or tax credits.

Skytree’s Stratus Hybrid system can be connected to industrial waste heat enabling partial powering of the DAC process through thermal heat, driving down the electricity consumption to minimum levels

The benefits of CCS with DAC

Skytree’s Stratus unit and Skytree Stratus Hub system offer unparalleled flexibility and scalability for CDR, so you can tackle emissions and meet your sustainability goals. The benefits are clear!


Existing industrial sites from large emitters can be used for DAC hubs.


Empowers businesses to start or effectively continue supplying CO2 for utilization.


Our Skytree Stratus Hub solution enables the usage of industrial waste heat.

Efficient, cost-effective, and scalable CO2

Skytree’s innovative DAC technology revolutionizes the capture of atmospheric CO2.

Whether it’s our Skytree Stratus for small-scale use cases or our Skytree Stratus DAC Hub for large-scale capture, our patented process filters ambient air to ensure a continuous, clean, cost-effective, reliable, and scalable supply of CO2.

Why Skytree?

Unmatched scalability

Skytree can meet any demand with minimal energy consumption.

Responsible Solution

By capturing atmospheric CO2 for storage or use, Skytree supports a circular carbon economy.

Pioneering past emission mitigation

Skytree is dedicated not only to reducing future emissions but also to addressing past emissions.

Unparalleled scalability

Skytree offers DAC solutions from small-scale single units for 20kg of CO2 per day to unlimited modular scalability.

Straight from the customers

“Skytree is giving vertical farms a path to being more sustainable, while cutting costs related to buying the CO2 necessary to grow crops indoors.”

Ard de Kreeke, CEO
CEO at Growy

“Skytree is giving vertical farms a path to being more sustainable, while cutting costs related to buying the CO2 necessary to grow crops indoors.”

Ard de Kreeke, CEO
CEO at Growy

“Skytree is giving vertical farms a path to being more sustainable, while cutting costs related to buying the CO2 necessary to grow crops indoors.”

Ard de Kreeke, CEO
CEO at Growy

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Carbon Unbound USA