Van de VS tot de EU: Belangrijke Leerpunten van Evenementen

Published on 
June 14, 2024

In May and June of this year, Skytree took its place at two important industry events: Carbon Unbound East Coast and Carbon Capture Summit Europe, two of the fastest-growing carbon removal events bringing together technology providers, storage companies, project developers, consultants, and government officials.

For Skytree, the Carbon Unbound event was the company’s first formal presence at a carbon removal show in North America and served as an opportunity to showcase its modular DAC units launched in the past calendar year. 

The content of the show agenda, as well as conversations with visitors to the Skytree booth, confirmed the growing enthusiasm for Direct Air Capture technology. Discussion and interest centered around the role DAC can potentially play in capture and sequestration projects, particularly in concert with oil and gas companies that already have the expertise as well as the infrastructure in place to pipe and store captured carbon underground. Interest among the fossil fuel companies in attendance was palpable, as many see DAC as a potential source of additional revenue, even as reluctance to be the first industry mover remains.  

As expected, given the relative newness and historical skepticism of DAC technology, questions arose regarding cost and ability to scale, providing evidence of the need for additional education. The questions related to costs underscored the importance of communicating how utilizing captured CO2 in a commercial setting to develop high-value products like building materials, beverages, and e-fuels, can help offset and drive down DAC costs. 

According to show organizers, attendance at this year’s Carbon Unbound increased by 115% as compared to last year, a confirmation of the momentum building for carbon capture and removal and DAC technology. 

For the Carbon Capture Summit, it served as an opportunity to discuss with like-minded individuals, who are focused on CCUS space in Europe. Our CEO Rob van Straten gave an insight into Skytree’s vision for the future, and how the combination of Direct Air Capture and CCUS is a match made in heaven for removal projects. 

At both events Skytree welcomed a wide range of potential customers, partners, and consultants to its booth location. The team took both opportunities to detail how Skytree’s DAC technology differs from competitors and explained how Cumulus and Stratus units can be deployed anywhere to begin immediately capturing CO2 without waiting the years it takes to build an expansive plant. 

Now a full-fledged member of the growing and close-knit carbon removal community, Skytree expects to be a mainstay at similar events around the world and continue to have a strong voice in the conversation around the future of carbon removal.

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